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Thursday, 9 August 2012

uninor free gprs trick

Latest free uninor gprs trick

Friends here is the latest free proxy trick to access gprs for free on uninor network. All you have to do is create a new apn settings with the following free proxy. And you are done. This will give access to the world of internet on your uninor network without paying anything. Yes its free and its working 100 percent. The trick was tested and verified. It was found working in kerala. So why wait, lets try to access free gprs on your uninor sim. The steps are easy and i think you know how to set proxy in mobile and pc.

Step by step guide to access free gprs trick on uninor

  • Create a new apn with some name and following settings
  • Homepage:
  • Proxy:
  • Port: 80
  • Save the settings. and restart your phone
  • Now start the browser and go to the home page directly
  • After the home page is loaded you can browse and download from any site using this free uninor gprs trick
You can use this trick for downloading as well as for browsing. Thats the trick friends. Thanks for reading. If you have any queries or suggestion please comment here. And if you like the post please share it with your friends.

1 comment:

  1. NOT working... :-( .. Any Latest...??
